Friday, December 23, 2011

It's Friday already. It's the day before Christmas Eve. Did you buy all your presents? Did you wrap them, name them, categorize them by color, size or smell? Did you hide the ones for your loved ones in your locked safe and the ones for your fellow co-workers in the snow outside? Well, I didn't yet...

That's right folks, it's Christmas again, for the better or for the worse. Christmas songs (you know, the total of 15 the world has) have been playing in shopping malls, in restaurants, on the radio, in special events, every-freaking-where.

Some people like to celebrate Christmas with their families, some others with friends. Some others, like myself, prefer to reserve a place and go out with the girlfriend alone, making it more like a romantic winter getaway. Some others, still, like to book a flight heading south and run away to countries where the AC is always on and set to 30C. I'm not against that option myself...

But love it, hate it, it comes around every year and our customs dictate that SOMETHING must be done. Well, that's what I'm doing. What have I decided to do? Work, my friends. That's right, I'll be working most of my time, possibly popping my head here and there in parties that aren't too far away. Sad to say, my holiday spirit is drowning in loneliness and that pushes my motivation spirit a bit further to get out of here and back in Japan as soon as possible.

But meanwhile, elsewhere, things are more "Christmas'y".

We serve turkey to good bear friends.

We play hockey naked.

We dig our own pools.

We take sunbaths. (I am not sure which one to be most offended with: Kanada or Canda)

We get our goodnight kisses.

We loooooooove snowmen.

We had this three days ago... (I am not kidding... fuck it's dangerous......)

And we have no idea what that one is about...

And that, my friends, is how you can imagine I will spend the next few days.

I hope you enjoyed.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, to you, your family, your friends and everyone you care about.

My loved one is far, far away, and I am in a poor situation right now, but that doesn't mean the world has to be in my state. I honestly hope that you have a wonderful time, that you get what you wished for, that you wake up on the 25th happy of your 24th, and that everything goes well.

Be careful, watch out for the police blockades (every - freaking - corner - here), and be generally safe guys.

I'll see you all next year !!

Cheers !!

P.S. This is important. I will try to bring you your usual columns, Soundcheck and World Class Scum, but heh, it's the holidays... I'll do my best, good enough? I knew you'd understand, cheers !


  1. kompai you reliable & terrific postmaster, well done once again =)

  2. DOLGAN says, "That is some serious weather!"

  3. Wishing you a safe trip home soon Kami. You'll find a way.
