Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A song writer, I am not

One thing is sure: I am horrible at making up scummy Xmas songs and pretty much everyone agrees.

Favorite Christmas Song (Scum style)
Dreaming of a White Scumbase
2 (12%)
Joy to the Scumlord!
1 (6%)
Fleas Navidad
4 (25%)
Jingle Balls Rock
1 (6%)
Satan Baby
0 (0%)
Tofurkey, you really suck at this
8 (50%)

Votes so far: 16

However, we also seem to really like songs about Fleas, maybe because so many of us have them.


  1. aaah otherwise known as a Tof-luck self cheapshot, giving scum an easy way out was the real mistake LoL
    practice makes perfect i say :) keep at it!

  2. What g33k says. The surprising part is that 8 voters voted anything else then "you suck". They must not be real scum ;-)

  3. If "Joy to the Scumlord" wasn't Ghetto's vote then someone doesn't know that the votes are anonymous and kissing ass won't do them any good ;)

  4. Nothing is anonymous =) And no, it was not my vote. Obviously I chose: "furkey you suck!"
