Here it is, here it is, you impatient lot!
Yop, I've been busy lately, with the holidays and all. Bunch of people you need to see, plenty of things to do.... But I would still like to apologize to today's participants, who were most certainly looking forward to this Soundcheck. I know, I know, I ruined Christmas... That's what happens when we can't read the ultra awesome column that is the Soundcheck. My apologies.
Now, let's get back to business. Today's Soundcheck is a little different than usual. But who is it? Is it a he? No. Then it's a she, sheesh! Nope. Can't be an it, can it? Thankfully not. No my friends, today, it's a they! (Come on, admit I did a good job here with the rhymes...)
That's right, folks! They come in pairs, but are they similar? They look alike physically, but what about mentally? Well, I'm assuming they look alike in real life, I don't actually know for sure... But that's not the point! They have weird screen names, sounds of someone being shot by a laser and sounds of someone trying to speak with a potato in his mouth. Did you guess yet? I hope you did, it's written in my last Soundcheck... Please put your hands together for our beloved twins, Zot and Mhorg!
It's your turn, Mhorg and Zot,
I think they're both robots.
I think they're both robots.
And I think Zot's
Making some plots,
To try and steal my pot(s).
Now, everyone knows that twins are just plain hard to raise. If you put aside the fact that at least they have each other to play with, you also need to think "double" for everything. Two sets of clothes, two baby beds, double your size, double the food, double the diapers, double the crying, double the pain of delivering, double everything, except the time you have to take care of all that. BUT, that being said, it happens, and some parents find that to be a blessing. Good for them, I say! You might be one of them. Well, there are rumors on how to have twins. How about you start by listening to the same song their parents listened to when... humm... doing rodeo.
Yeehaa, cowboy! I bet Zot got the new roller-skates and Mhorg got the brand new key. But a key to where? There are speculations. Some say a ranch somewhere, some say a secret trap full of mushrooms under our own bar. We'll never know, quiet as they are in guild chat, but you can look around. Meanwhile, can somebody tell me who the hell is Melanie?! Are the notes she's singing even legal? Zot, Mhorg, I'm sorry, but your parents might have been wearing cowboy hats and boots that night...
Our favorite twins grew older and were soon teenagers. They knew they were born under the constellation of the bull and the lasso, but slowly changed their ways. They tried to be more, you know... ladies' men. So they started listening to stuff that made the girls go all giddy, giggly, eeeee, like this:
Who does a music video of his song showing a cute girl leaving her date 'cause a policeman decided to test how drunk he was (with no proof he actually intended to drive) and going to YOUR OWN SHOW! How to cut in video costs? Take half your live show and only film a minute of a girl drooling while looking at your black and white picture, entering your show, falling in love enough to have the impression everyone else disappeared, before storming out of the room for no reason what-so-ever. In the two minutes she was there, a snowstorm was unleashed, but most of all, the emergency exit was locked!! Kids, don't do that at home, keep them open.... it's a tad safer, and if the person you love runs outside, well you can catch up...
Zotty and Mhorgy are now adults. They are 21, and ready to party! They had they highs and lows in their teenage years. They were happy and sad, had good and bad times, got in fights, forgave each other. Twins live more with each other than most couples married for over 20 years. And when things go all wrong and you're at the end of your line, you know there's only one person you can count on. 'Cause you know he'll be there :
You can make all the jokes you want about me comparing a girl and a guy singing to the feelings twins have for each other, but I'm sure Mhorg and Zot know what it means. Also, you can say whatever you want about Mariah Carrey, she's HOT! And she sang with Michael Jackson. So yea...
But all in all, WOW guys, this Soundcheck must be like a slap in the face. I even thought about changing one of these, but then it wouldn't be a real Soundcheck, would it. I'm sorry if the songs aren't... humm... <insert the adjective you would have wanted your songs to be here>. I just had no idea what kind of jokes I could make with these.... But hey! Look at that young Mariah Carrey and smile, she's eye candy.
This is it for today folks.
Stay tuned, as next week, we'll dive into the music that shaped the life of our own Scumbase admin, Iola! Now, you have to know that she was more than reluctant in giving me her birthday (you know, age, women and their never-ending war), so I'll make sure to hit HARD!! MUAHAHHAHAHHAH!!!
See you all next week!
Damn you Kami! you actually made me watch the entire Brian A. video...
ReplyDeleteAnd I pitty the fools (that means you Zot & Mhorg) that had such awfull songs from such awfull artists at the key points of their lives... And it started so well... (come on... Melanie was entertaining... although i can't imagine that as bedroom music...)
Nice one again Kami. Looking forward to next week.
DOLGAN says, there is a reason that Melanie song died in less than 5 months. I was there in high school when it came out and we all met on the quadrangle one day to barf all over a 45 RPM copy of the damned thing. there were no pieces larger than a dime when we got through. The local AM radio station still insisted on playing it. I HATE THAT SONG. AARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
ReplyDeletewait... and why in the hell didn't you do that to Brian A. and Mariah C. ?
ReplyDeleteWell, I really try to make the best out of what turns up. But funny and awful things are what we're looking for here. I want your reactions to be either "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!1!" or "DAAAAAMMMNNN YOOOOUUUUUU KAMIIIII !!!".
ReplyDeleteNot "Woah! This is awesome!".... booooring...
By the way, I added r34lg33k's song to his Soundcheck if you want to check it out.