Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Happy Scum Year!

Quilp for 2012! Make the Quilp Rounder! Make the Quilp Rounder! As I believe Morhdd1 said, if you didn't vote for Quilp 'your doing it wrong.'

Scum New Year's Resolution
Find a new Chef
3 (21%)
Keep daggers sharpened
0 (0%)
Help AAylia w/ her plots
3 (21%)
Get new duct tape for Revliss
1 (7%)
Eat less soy products
0 (0%)
Recruit HAL 9000 to the Guild
3 (21%)
Make Quilp Rounder!
4 (28%)

Votes so far: 14
Poll closed

It is possible you voted for a new Chef in hopes that it would make his Roundness rounder, or you just don't think the bean curd soup I've been feeding the Guild since Duncan left cuts the mustard2. Three people resolve to help AAylia with her plots, so watch out GForce, she is not without minions! Do you know who they are? It is possible they are trying to recruit HAL 9000 for one of her nefarious schemes.

Revliss, I hope your secret santa got you that new duct tape you'd always been hoping for!

1If it wasn't Morhdd, I apologize, I have a horrible memory :-/
2Hey it isn't my fault Alyxyn keeps throwing me in the soup pot.


  1. Oh.... I guess AA isn't plotting on making Quilp rounder then? =S

  2. shut up.. git back in da pot Turducken! Be a good foodgroup un cook dang it!

  3. missing an all of the above option...
