Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Monster Magnet

And now, we decent into the realm of madness, of hysterical laughter and helium balloons. No, I am not talking about Alyxyn's underwear or AAylia's dungeon, I am talking about one of the best stoner rock bands of the history of, well, man.

I am talking about Monster Magnet! *cue thunderclap*

OK, since the crickets and tumble weeds make it obvious you have no clue as to whom I refer, here's an example of their legendary work, from their first album "Spine of God":


And, on their second album "Superjudge" they really found their groove and released this song, which even got them a little airplay on certain radio stations:

Twin Earth

Now, you can see where they got the stoner rock part from. Now, since you must be using Wikipedia as we speak, I'll make it easy on you and just put that info down here, now shall I.

Monster Magnet is an American stoner rock band. Hailing from Red Bank, New Jersey, the group was founded by Dave Wyndorf (vocals and guitar), John McBain (guitar) and Tim Cronin (vocals and drums). The band first went under the name "Dog of Mystery", "Airport 75", "Triple Bad Acid" and "King Fuzz" before finally settling on "Monster Magnet", taken from the name of a 1960s toy made by Wham-O, which Wyndorf liked when he was a child.

There. Can we continue playing loud music? OK, now, for my next song I would like to apologize to Santa, it seems they killed his party, from the album Dopes to Infinity:

Dead Christmas

Sensing a theme here? Yes, I am doing one song from each of their albums. Next one is from the album "Powertrip". Great CD inlay, you just have to see it to believe it.

Temple of Your Dreams

They made quite a few albums, these guys. Next a song from "God Says No". Not their best album, but it still has a little gem:

Kiss of the Scorpion

Next album is "Monolithic Baby!". I have found a decent live performance of one of their songs here:


Guess they had played a couple of songs before, eh. *heh*

Onto the next one! This would be a song from "4-Way Diablo". Guess they are way ahead on Blizzard North with that one!

Blow Your Mind

And finally we get to the last album to date, "Mastermind". My answer? Meh.

Gods and Punks

And since I can't go out on this bad a song, here's one of my personal favorites:

Black Balloon

Phew, that's done! See you next *insert probability of column's reoccurrence here*!



  1. Wow, Nargi.
    I liked all but the first two. Really good stuff! I am not normally a listener of anything but the Classic Rock genre. Gboss disabused me of that with a tune by motorhead. Crap, they were playing when I was in me twenties and I had not heard of them, poor me!!
    I try to listen now with a receptive mind. Thanks for the music, Nargi

  2. I have a soft spot in my heart for Monster Magnet. They’re partly to blame for the whole stoner scene, going on where the classic bands, like black Sabbath, and blue oystercult left off . And even though Josh Homme, you know from the ancient stoner rock band Kyuss and later the leadsinger of one of the bestestestest bands in the world: Queens of the Stone Age, always said their influence came from punk and not from the , they were there from the beginning

    2009 was a good year for me on Graspop ( can someone please kill that rose so we don’t have to get depressed by that awfull band as one of the headliners this year…) with Anthrax, Blind Guardian, DevilDriver, Korn (really? Yeah really!), Lamb of God, Marilyn Manson (Although he played awfull), Static-X, Suicidal Tendecies and many many more. One of the performances that stuck to mind, was Monster Magnet though. Do Listen! Go Watch! And spread the word of Stoner Rock around the world.

  3. Oh, impressive btw Narc. Interesting Music, Many Clips, some actuall text AND way before the deadline! Bravo! More of those and like that, please! ;D

  4. Nice timing for this column btw, I just saw that Kyuss (-Hommes) is touring again and will visit some european festivals. Looking forward to that. Now if Monster Magnet does the same it might be a nice visit to memory lane of the early 90's.

  5. Wasn't Monster Magnet coming to Graspop?

  6. not this year. they've been at graspop in 2009 and in 2011. So, maybe in 2013 ;-)

  7. ok yes they are an American band but honestly its not my music to die for. I am willing to listen and possibly there might be something I like but this time is a big no from the world of Duct Tape.
