Friday, November 11, 2016

Blatherings from the Bilge

In the half light of the guildhall, a small contingent of forces make their way in from the entranceway, clearing each room and passageway carefully. As each member of the guild is encountered, fully half of the ranks of the assault force conjure sleep spells to reinforce the drugs that had stealthily been added into the alcohol stores of the the guild.

Once the facility is cleared, a second force appears, this group attired in robes bearing mystical, religious sigils and slogans.  Together they lug a small, weakly squirming bundle which they deposit momentarily in the one partially cleared chair in the place, the tattered throne of the guildleader.

Struggling out of the confines of a reinforced gunnysack, a pale green head emerges, then arms, then a torso, before the form just collapses into the cushioning of the chair for a moment to gather his strength again.

Stepping from the crowd of assembled forces, an intimidatingly large man makes his way to Ghettoforce to dab up the drool from his chin.  Slipping a small green tablet into GBoss' maw, the man steps back and waits for the demonic leader to regain consciousness.

The figure's loud voice echoes forth, "Behold, I am the High Seer Alone-Again, come to show you once more your disease riddled vermin of a guildie.  As you can see, he still lives"

At this, the green mass struggles and opens its weary eyes to find the Bossguy.  Weak nods seem to agree with the figure's words before the Seer continues.

"Just today a large number of my Healing staff's Seers have spent hours looking over, about and deeply within your scabrous, demented and plagued member.  Their cleansings are now well into their fourth hour and are expected to continue through the night until they stop repeatedly muttering 'ew! ick! make it stop!'.  Once they have completed their personal ablutions, they shall commence meeting to discuss what they have witnessed.  This process shall be a lengthy one and yet is important in our struggles against the demonic forces besetting this... Alyxyn.  We hope to have word on the progress of our struggles for his body and spirit sometime within the next two weeks."

At this all the members of the forces having brought Alyxyn into the fold, bellow forth in one language or another "So Say We All"

And then vanish as if they had been mist in the morning.


From the player:
I know it isn't up to my historical writing standards but I had to give it a try at least.  Just trying shows I am holding my own a bit, I hope.

Today was filled with CT scans and MRI recordings, with and without contrasts.  This should, hopefully, give us an idea of how my body and my cancerous parasite are responding to the chemotherapy I am enduring.  And enduring is about the best way I can describe it.

This week my chemotherapy received a 'nope' because my blood counts were too low and by 'too low' I mean the doctor almost performed a transfusion to get my white and red cell counts up to higher levels.  This is the first time this has happened but.. if the chemo is to continue, I may expect it again in the future.  The current type of chemo that I am enduring results in the cell production dropping drastically which causes the cell counts to bottom out very low before the body compensates and recuperates.  However, when the cell counts drop, immunity is rather heavily compromised and it is terribly easy to get exhausted, as if severely anemic. 

In the United States, despite the havoc of the recent elections, and Christmas seeming to have won the eternal struggle of holidays against Thanksgiving, we ARE entering the season for remembering everything we are thankful for. 

I am thankful to have this opportunity to thank you all for offering such waves of fair thoughts, good hopes and positive emotions.  I am thankful that here, despite difference senses of humor, we can come together to share thoughts and more ... together.



  1. And I'm thankful to know you & have you as a friend. A very good friend indeed. My thoughts, prayers & well wishes will always be with you. I'm always excited to read your updates, and always hope there will be 'better' outcomes, improved conditions & still hoping for a miracle coming your way.Thank you for being positive, Thank you for being who you are. You are my inspiration. **hugs* :)

  2. I'm not very amused you felt the need to reveal the "drool" part... and I'm pretty sure it is time to have a firm word with the night defenses...
