Thursday, September 29, 2011


There's no mistaking the distinctive sound of the sliding bass guitar used by Mark Sandman in his band Morphine. This band, formed in 1989 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is mostly known for its minimalist, low-end sound and its lack of a guitarist. The band consisted of a slide bass guitar, saxophone and drums, with Mark Sandberg voicing a deep, laid-back croon.

Morphine never gained a commercial success, but has gathered somewhat of a cult following. This style of music either turns you on or turns you off, there is no middle ground.

To start you off on an intimate meeting with this great band, here is possibly one of their best songs, The Night

And while you're at it, check out this other gem of them. There's a lot of Arabian influence in it, and they are pulling it off brilliantly in this song Rope on Fire

I'll finish this little musical session with I Know You (Part III). Yes, Parts I and II also exist. This song is what the core of Morphine is all about: low sounds, a haunting saxophone and preciscion-timed drumming. Plus of course, the bone-chilling sounds of Mark, who regrettably is not amongst us anymore. He died of a heart attack on stage in 1999, thereby ending one of the most interesting musical acts ever to see stage after Frank Zappa.

So, stay tuned for a review of another one of my favourite bands next week! I seem to have found my inspiration, because most of these songs have some kind of connection to that dear hunter girl Ciciz.

Let the good times roll!


1 comment:

  1. I think I have found something new to add to my collection, Narc. Thank you!
