Sunday, February 26, 2012

ScumFlash: A Solution For Your Scrapbook

Hey all, Kami here.

We have reached a point where it is obvious who can do their scrapbook by themselves and who can't. I'm not going to judge you on it, I understand it's just not the type of gameplay some of us enjoy. I, on the other hand, am an achiever. I want them all.

Most of you that still haven't reached 95% scrapbook would still love to be there, just can't be bothered. Well, we have the solution for you.

I, Kami, will do it for you. I have successfully brought AAylia and Revliss in the 95% club, and will do it for you too if you can just follow the instructions to help me in the process. Here is how it's going to work:

All participants will be brought 5% up, or to 95%, whichever comes first. So if you're at 42%, I'll bring you up to 47%. If you're at 93,5%, I'll bring you to 95%. Then I'll go help someone else.

I will NOT log in to your account to do it. The Cometh is too scary to do that. You will be required to fill out a Google document (that I will share with you) so that I know what you have and don't have. All you have to do is go through your scrapbook and bold the stuff you have in the document. Then I'll start looking for what is not in bold.

I will then write a short list of players, usually 6-7 of them, that have some of the stuff you need. I'll send that list, which will be in notepad, to your email address (that I should have gathered a while ago, if you remember me asking for it). Once you're done with the list, you update the Gdoc, tell me you're done, and a new list will be sent. The reason I do it this way is simply because the bigger the list, the longer it'll take to do it, and the higher the chance that some of those players change their equip. By keeping it small, it's faster and safer.

I really hope this system will bring a few of us over the 95% mark.
For those of you who can't even be bothered to do it this way, well... level slower than the rest of us, what else is there to say ?

This initiative is so that the guild, as a whole, can strive for better exp and gold, and take back the number 1 spot in the long term.

This opportunity sadly only applies to The Severed Tongue members. If you are interested, send me a mail in-game and we'll get started from there.



  1. Kami was amazing at his help, and I whined hard at first, thinking that to fill in the document would be daunting.. but it only took like 5 minutes, and within a few days I hit 95%. I could NOT have done it without him. Take a chance, get your butt out there and take him up on this offer. and then be like me, eternally grateful.

    1. Thanks for the kind words AA.
      And I'm glad you're living proof that filling out the Google document doesn't take long at all, especially compared to the time you save with me doing the searches afterwards. ^_^

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Please note: I will remove ::any:: link posted by Anonymous.

      If you're a member of Severed Tongue and have a valid link to share, we'd love to see it. However, you must identify yourself. It's easy and there are instructions on how to do so right here on this page.

      Website Management

  3. wow... we are awarding lazyness now? your mailbox must have exploded since you offered this then ;-)

    1. lol
      Yes and no. I did have 5-6 people that would like some help. We already have 27 members in the 95% club, so that should get the % even higher. But the ones not doing anything don't come on scumbase either, and might not even read their in-game mail.

      There's not much else I can do, since the "minimum of 75% scrapbook" rule seems to be decoration..... no offense...

    2. Nope, I'm not willing to kick out, otherwise active, scum for ONLY their scrapbooks. But it is a "strike 1" already in case of inactivity. On the other hand, it IS a hard demand for new scum. (and even crusader bin has almost reached 75% now ;-)

    3. Bin's been at 80% for a while my friend.

  4. Lol, last time i checked was last week. Go Go bin!

  5. Replies
    1. Stop giggling you complete anonymous stranger!!!

  6. In-between stars, looks like Ciz...

    1. Stop giggling you complete anonymous stranger that looks like Ciz according to Kami!!!

