Sunday, February 26, 2012

Today, I am sharing the first link that Aaylia sent to me.  I spent a couple of hours catching up on back story and finally had to admit that it was bigger than me.  Or more precisely, would take longer than my growling stomach would allow me  ... so I wandered off to the kitchen with a promise to return.

This webcomic has come a long way since its inception, in terms of art.  Somewhere along the way to the current 829 pages, the artist must have decided to be really serious about the webcomic rather than using the sketchy form of its first days.  Still in the process of being updated, its a fantastic look at the evolution of an artist.  It struggles a bit with perspective and angles from time to time, but to me, that is also part of watching the artist mature.

Reading the ABOUT page is essential to understanding the story, so take a few minutes to do that first.  In a nutshell, the story is about a female reporter who is being tracked by a federal agency because of a newspaper article she authored.  She joins forces with one of the feds when she realizes that he can also see the ghost of Ben Franklin .. who just happens to be her personal advisor .. together they ... well, here, let me show you.

Actually, the story is much more complicated than that and I simply cannot do justice to it here since I am simply following the trail myself.  Any story that involves civil rights, cybernetics, ghosts, a talking koala and a conspiracy theory tends to become too tangled for a short paragraph, so I'll just invite you to read along with me and Aaylia.

A Girl and her Fed updates on Mondays and Thursdays.  Click the comic logo below for more "funsies."


  1. Too bad ALL our menfolk didn't look like that. sigh... daydreaming.

  2. To bad ALL our womenfolk don't have visions of monkey sex. sigh... daydreaming.

  3. I am sure we would.. if they all looked like that !! (come on you fed that to me...)

    1. LOL, I suppose I did. Hey, who says I don't look like that? ;-) Just because Tofu is traditionally cube shaped...

  4. I have a vision too... i see many many many "wasted" hours in my near future staring at an online comic.
