Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I guess I should start at the beginning for all you new recruits. It might make you understand how the Mistress AAylia is what she is.

You see. I was once a beautiful gnome in a huge castle, with a large realm that followed my every word and gave my toesies regular baths with their tongues. We were called Frenzied Fury. Our blades were sharp and our warriors mighty. You might recognize some names - My fellow liege KingSizedCorwin brought his brothers Andelucian, Krtng, and StevieeeeeB to enforce the borders as the ladies like Veha and Revliss took huge delight in their torture and backstabbing. My master at arms - Oak, helped me to kill my liege, and while I was pleased with his actions, I had to punish him by putting him in my dungeons.

The loss of my liege had others trying to break the ranks, and my ladies in waiting were covered in blood as they helped my fill the dungeons with these backstabbing men. Soon.. soon they were under control, and whimpering nicely to the Princess of Blood Veha, and the DuctTape Torturer Revliss.

But by then it was too late.... My rank had a spy in it.. and the end of my world was around the corner..   ((more to come next week))

Monday, August 29, 2011

Whoops.. guess ah shudn't post much frum werk. Ah miss thingses. Ah wuz meanin ta hand out sum kudzu.. erm koodohs.. kudos! yeah.. dat's it.

lezz all put ahr hands togeddeh fer JMardo who has managed 17 level in de last month. Wit dat kindah drive, he must be hungrin fer some elf bootses or he has sum rillah hungrah orcs chasin' him.

Valind und AAylia seem to have been signin up fer sum glad.. gadeat... fightin schools. Dey have bin scalin up da HoF faster dat a rat wit its tail on fahr. Iffn ya needs a demonstrashun, let me knows. Ah kin allays find a rat or two ta show ya wot ah means!

All dat said, keep payin 'tenshun ta yer stamp books. GBoss menshuned ta me dat some danged fool gobbo haz been chantin "gotta get 'm all" un fer a change, he didn't mean elf bootses. Seems he has expanded hiz collection bah 11% and is closing in on 90%. See wot happens when da GBoss threatens summon wit a steel toed boot?

Okay scum.. lets all get out dere und kick da Zombunnies so hard dat dey wake up alive!

Subtitle dis "the Lowdown in Scumtown" ah supposes.

In short, da scum gained 90 levels dis week wit a new av'ege o' 208. Furder, da S&H greenstamps continoo ta be raided , now up to 77.62% fer an avage.

But dat isn't da real news. Ah've been wotchin un pipples are missin gettin in on summa da battles. In one o' dem we was missing 5% (on top of da still abducted Alien). Dat's 10% of us not clickin' in. Please, iffen ya has a hard time clickin in, get aholda sum offiser and lend dem know why yer gunna be gone. Kuld ya rilly stand it iffen we lost ta da bunnies un dat Ghettoboss figgered it was cuz ya wazn't dere? I knows dat dis lil green bilgedweller would find it hard to take.. not to mention.. GBoss wears some danged steel toed boots ouch!

Til laterz all.. keep it real, keep it sharp and keep alert fer rats and elf bootseses.

Hug a bunny

Zombunnies are not taking our efforts to thrash them lying down.  I think they need more hugs ... very, very tight hugs ... we need all of you to check in for hugs time.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Being an admin is not easy ...

Ghettoforce is not the easiest of bosses: he's picky, he likes things "just so" and I often get up in the morning, bleary-eyed and wander over to my computer because my MSN is making repeated musical noises. Well, okay, if truth be told, at that time of day, I don't really think of it as music so much as blaring and honking.  Kind of like the morning commute in Calgary used to be.  Now, don't let yourself be fooled into thinking that I don't appreciate his comments and wake up messages. I like my bosses to know what they want.  It's just that he's about to sit down to dinner and is WIDE AWAKE and ... I ... I am not.

This morning, we had issues with the website displaying only one post on the front page.  When I went to bed last night, everything was working.  Well, except Zimmi's ability to comment, but that was on my agenda to get fixed today. 

I spent two hours trying to find answers before posting my problem on the blogger website.  Instead of doing housework.  Now, I'm not sure if I should thank or spank Ghetto.  Pretty sure I know which he'd pick.  Spanking, however, is the domain of Mistress Aaylia, so I'll just hand him over now.

Turns out that Ghetto did one of the ultimate no-nos in posting when he edited my Are we having fun yet post ... dragging and dropping a picture (Fluffy) from his hard drive, instead of using the upload link. What that does, apparently, is bring the entire page code over as well ... which results in TMI (too much information) which breaks the coding for the page and becomes TMFI (too much f****g information) real quick.

This is our resulting conversation on MSN.  I am Vahe (my main WoW character)

Zimmi's problem has been fixed by an alteration to the way comments work.  You'll get a pop-up box for comments now, rather than seeing them embedded under the post.  Not my preferred way of seeing them, but apparently, the layers upon layers of code required to see comments under posts make them especially easy to make them "brokseded."  Hope you don't mind.

We having fun yet?

GhettoEdit: And if that doesn't do it for you:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

So once upon a time there was a Scum lord who had a taste for wild game

Bunnies to be exact.  He loved how soft and cuddly they were, he loved the smell of the little critters too.  The best part that he loved was the taste, oh so gamey and delish.  He delighted in the pot of Bunny Stew he was cooking for dinner tonight...perhaps he might share some with all of us...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Ghetto's Throne

Grammar Police

If you like gallows humour, head on over to Chopping Block and have a few giggles.  The byline for the site is "because serial killers are people too."

Here's another recent one that made me laugh out loud.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

So here I sit, trapped on my lilypad, my last assassination attempt on the mighty warlord a fail. I will get my throne back one day.. I will.

Who could know that the latest batch of poison would turn out to be the best damn purple gnome juice the bar has tasted? Soo what if you see purple elephants dancing in the sky??  Really!  Next time I will get more vicious. MORE soap in the recipe.

He will die. One day.

@ Alyxyn

Look what I found lying around. Do you suppose it belongs to Zimmi? Could I trust you to return it to her?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

ooooh Shiney

I just figured out how to post ~ you are all in so much trouble.

I will be doing a weekly recap of levels and stuff to add to the misinformation and special birthday Announcements for the big ones so .... Keep an eye out for yours, and comments other scummy people may make about them.

Quilp, a rather attractive Dwarf, has hit 275. What can we say about such an awesome accomplishment? He is ranked 9th in FoF and has 91% of his book done. All in all, he is exactly what we all want to be. We can't backstab him as we would lose and fill his mail with green spam. So lets all just congratulate him and be glad he is on our side. Raise your glasses. Drink up and get back to work.

PS: do not stare at his armor yes it has a mouth and eyes (GROSS)

Baby Sitters Wanted!

Do you like sitting on little squishy heads to keep them warm? Torturing other peoples children?

Then we want you to be a baby sitter! I need a current list of people willing to sit when other people are on vacation. All that is required is that you check in for the attacks and keep them doing the guard duty while they are away. If you think you can handle it, please let me know (even if you have in the past, I'd like to make a current list).


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Be Vewwwwwy Quiet ...

We're hunting sweepy wabbits!

Otay yer scum, ahma gunna try dis. Ya let me knows iffn yas gets it k?

Last in between Bloodshadow "decoratin" GBoss' throne, we be werkin hard ta improve ourselves. We dun did it so good dat at one point we was 'heada da Endless vermin too far to git benefit frum trouncing dem inta dinner. Dat was easily remedied.

We be missin one scum badly with the alien apparently abducted, lets hope NOT for a probing and implantation of any satellite dishes, lessen it improves our receptions.

Lots of attention has been being paid to our scrapbooks with our overall stamp collections rising quickly. Keepa focusin on da lowlifes til yer full and den start werkin yer way up. Don't worry too much, mosta da lowlifes are less trouble den the rats that ah slips into Chef Greyhawk's stews fer flavorin.

New officers elected, Iola werkin onna blog rather den us scribblin in da dirt and other 'chievements. We be marchin forwards.. or GBoss'll grill us before havin us walk da plank or wotteffer it is he be doin.

fer da record da numbers were:
  • Total levels of scum: 10,291 (+81! over last week)

  • Average Scum was Jmardo at 204, (2 bedder den last week)

  • Stampbook completion? 75.98%.. coming right along. 'Member, da Gboss wants us up rounds about 90% or hecklin will ensue!

Dat's it fer now so Ah can gets back to da bilge!

Welcome to the Scumbase


I’m very proud to announce that Iola has created a very nice website for us and that we’re gonna start using it from now on. You can find it at scumbase.blogspot.com or by clicking on “forum” left of the attack/defend icons on the guildpage.

Here you will find interesting stories about scum and the Severed Tongue. You will be able to find out about your officers, guildrules and a little about scumhistory (still work in progress) Levelbirthdays by bloodshadow, weekly updates from Alyxyn, Weekly columns from Iola, Nargoth, AAylia and myself. And much much more.
Basically everything that we previously did in guildmails and that can be shared with the world you’ll find at the scumbase and more.

If you want to help out or have suggestions, contact Iola. I’ll put up a sign in guildtext whenever there is a new post on the website, but ofcourse you’re all smart enough to check it regularly if you want to keep informed about what is happening to our guild.

Come visit and leave a message.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meanwhile, back at Scumbase Central ...

... the scum were thoroughly enjoying their morning coffee ...