Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Scum Monkey


EDIT: Oooooh, it is a trilogy... new vid!!! I really want one now!!!

Haha, they call it a trilogy while there are 4 different ones... (how scummy of them)

Monster Magnet

And now, we decent into the realm of madness, of hysterical laughter and helium balloons. No, I am not talking about Alyxyn's underwear or AAylia's dungeon, I am talking about one of the best stoner rock bands of the history of, well, man.

I am talking about Monster Magnet! *cue thunderclap*

OK, since the crickets and tumble weeds make it obvious you have no clue as to whom I refer, here's an example of their legendary work, from their first album "Spine of God":


And, on their second album "Superjudge" they really found their groove and released this song, which even got them a little airplay on certain radio stations:

Twin Earth

Now, you can see where they got the stoner rock part from. Now, since you must be using Wikipedia as we speak, I'll make it easy on you and just put that info down here, now shall I.

Monster Magnet is an American stoner rock band. Hailing from Red Bank, New Jersey, the group was founded by Dave Wyndorf (vocals and guitar), John McBain (guitar) and Tim Cronin (vocals and drums). The band first went under the name "Dog of Mystery", "Airport 75", "Triple Bad Acid" and "King Fuzz" before finally settling on "Monster Magnet", taken from the name of a 1960s toy made by Wham-O, which Wyndorf liked when he was a child.

There. Can we continue playing loud music? OK, now, for my next song I would like to apologize to Santa, it seems they killed his party, from the album Dopes to Infinity:

Dead Christmas

Sensing a theme here? Yes, I am doing one song from each of their albums. Next one is from the album "Powertrip". Great CD inlay, you just have to see it to believe it.

Temple of Your Dreams

They made quite a few albums, these guys. Next a song from "God Says No". Not their best album, but it still has a little gem:

Kiss of the Scorpion

Next album is "Monolithic Baby!". I have found a decent live performance of one of their songs here:


Guess they had played a couple of songs before, eh. *heh*

Onto the next one! This would be a song from "4-Way Diablo". Guess they are way ahead on Blizzard North with that one!

Blow Your Mind

And finally we get to the last album to date, "Mastermind". My answer? Meh.

Gods and Punks

And since I can't go out on this bad a song, here's one of my personal favorites:

Black Balloon

Phew, that's done! See you next *insert probability of column's reoccurrence here*!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

There are seven dwarves in the story "Snow White,"
because she slept with a different one every night.
Yet, none of the seven
could put her in heaven...
because she needed a gnome to hit it just right.

- sbbenhcs, just singin' "hi, ho!"

Sunday, February 26, 2012

ScumFlash: A Solution For Your Scrapbook

Hey all, Kami here.

We have reached a point where it is obvious who can do their scrapbook by themselves and who can't. I'm not going to judge you on it, I understand it's just not the type of gameplay some of us enjoy. I, on the other hand, am an achiever. I want them all.

Most of you that still haven't reached 95% scrapbook would still love to be there, just can't be bothered. Well, we have the solution for you.

I, Kami, will do it for you. I have successfully brought AAylia and Revliss in the 95% club, and will do it for you too if you can just follow the instructions to help me in the process. Here is how it's going to work:

All participants will be brought 5% up, or to 95%, whichever comes first. So if you're at 42%, I'll bring you up to 47%. If you're at 93,5%, I'll bring you to 95%. Then I'll go help someone else.

I will NOT log in to your account to do it. The Cometh is too scary to do that. You will be required to fill out a Google document (that I will share with you) so that I know what you have and don't have. All you have to do is go through your scrapbook and bold the stuff you have in the document. Then I'll start looking for what is not in bold.

I will then write a short list of players, usually 6-7 of them, that have some of the stuff you need. I'll send that list, which will be in notepad, to your email address (that I should have gathered a while ago, if you remember me asking for it). Once you're done with the list, you update the Gdoc, tell me you're done, and a new list will be sent. The reason I do it this way is simply because the bigger the list, the longer it'll take to do it, and the higher the chance that some of those players change their equip. By keeping it small, it's faster and safer.

I really hope this system will bring a few of us over the 95% mark.
For those of you who can't even be bothered to do it this way, well... level slower than the rest of us, what else is there to say ?

This initiative is so that the guild, as a whole, can strive for better exp and gold, and take back the number 1 spot in the long term.

This opportunity sadly only applies to The Severed Tongue members. If you are interested, send me a mail in-game and we'll get started from there.


Today, I am sharing the first link that Aaylia sent to me.  I spent a couple of hours catching up on back story and finally had to admit that it was bigger than me.  Or more precisely, would take longer than my growling stomach would allow me  ... so I wandered off to the kitchen with a promise to return.

This webcomic has come a long way since its inception, in terms of art.  Somewhere along the way to the current 829 pages, the artist must have decided to be really serious about the webcomic rather than using the sketchy form of its first days.  Still in the process of being updated, its a fantastic look at the evolution of an artist.  It struggles a bit with perspective and angles from time to time, but to me, that is also part of watching the artist mature.

Reading the ABOUT page is essential to understanding the story, so take a few minutes to do that first.  In a nutshell, the story is about a female reporter who is being tracked by a federal agency because of a newspaper article she authored.  She joins forces with one of the feds when she realizes that he can also see the ghost of Ben Franklin .. who just happens to be her personal advisor .. together they ... well, here, let me show you.

Actually, the story is much more complicated than that and I simply cannot do justice to it here since I am simply following the trail myself.  Any story that involves civil rights, cybernetics, ghosts, a talking koala and a conspiracy theory tends to become too tangled for a short paragraph, so I'll just invite you to read along with me and Aaylia.

A Girl and her Fed updates on Mondays and Thursdays.  Click the comic logo below for more "funsies."

Saturday, February 25, 2012

What's this? Soundcheck? What the hell is this, I've never heard of it... Is it new? Who writes this? Kami? Eww....

That's what people would like to say, but sadly everyone remembers Soundcheck, the bestest column in the world! That's right, I'm back (at least this week) to bring you the highest quality of pure randomness ever!

To sum things up for people abusing some substances who might not remember what this column is about, it's about me finding out what was the #1 song on the American radio at key points in your life (namely your conception, your 14th and your 21st birthday), and basically summarize your personality from them, because we all know that we can guess who you were by what you most probably weren't listening to on those three dates.

I see you all remember now. Awesome! Let's get started then!

This week, we're having a queen on stage! No less, I promise. She loves to make sure you don't move too much so that we can point and laugh at you in your despair. She is one of the best friends of our lily pad dominatrix, so that should tell you lots. She loves to go around duct-taping people in very embarrassing position, especially Nargoth (hey, didn't bash on him for way too long). Who is it? That's right people, our own Duct-Tape Queen, Revliss!

It is your turn, Revliss,
Don't worry little miss,
Sure you can hiss,
And you can diss,
But you'll still get my kiss.
Ouuuhh, Kami likes Revliss, Kami likes Revliss, yea yea, find other words ending with -iss for fun...

And so our story begins some time ago, when two people in love were whispering love words to each other in bed. The radio was on to give them something to fall back on in case words deserted them. Weird little songs they had in those years, but hey, who are you to judge. I'm Kami, I can judge. They were weird. But so far, oh so bulls-eye. And this one is no exception. The lovebirds had each other, and the radio was their witness:

I watched different versions of that video, and every time, they do that strange move of looking at each other when they say "I get you babe", then look no where, then to each other, then no where... I'm not sure I get it. Plus, I'm sorry for saying so, but I heard this song maybe once or twice before on vinyl discs, and I seriously thought there was one singer... They got the same voice! No? Weeeeird....

Anyway, our little Revvy got older and was soon in her teen years. Fourteen to be exact. She wasn't lonely per say, but she was in her teens, looking for attention. So to get it, she was giving her number to everyone, asking them to call her:

First of all, let me tell you that the first girl that writes her phone number on my forehead is looking for trouble. Seriously. Second, hey, way to go in reusing the same images over and over again, movie-maker! No one noticed! It's nice to see that Rev's addiction to duct-tape probably came from that pink duct-tape couch or that blue duct-tape suit. They sure had no problems matching colors in those years.

She soon got to 21 years old. She received many phone calls by then. She soon realized though, that the one she was most happy with was herself, that there was no one she really couldn't live without, nor with:

I don't know what to say about this song... First of all, the dude making the video clip just doesn't know how many frames there are in one second... The eye sees 72, TV shows you 48, stop motion usually uses 24. This thing must be in like what, 10 frames per second? It gives headaches. And watch out for the guitar swinging around 4m20, don't get hit!

So what have we got here? Poor Revliss was looking for attention, but then turned it away. She did find her long-term love though... in duct-tape! You better watch out for yourselves if you don't want to get stuck to a ceiling somewhere in AA's dungeon! (Me included!)

That's it for this week, folks, I hope you enjoyed.
Stay tuned, as next week (-ish) we'll receive in our studio none else than our beloved Zimmi! We're on a girl streak it seems. Nothing wrong with that, I just need to keep what I say in check (not because they are easier to hurt, but because they're scarier to deal with...)


Zombie apocalypse!

So. we all know it is coming. But we are prepared. WE are the Scum. We are mighty and powerful and monstrous. But yet, they still will come. Zombies. The bane of everyone, everywhere. But here at the American CDC, they are prepared. Their tips and tricks prepare a person for when the apocalypse happens.  And Florida even has it written into their emergency preparedness papers, on what the state will do to protect its people.

But never fear, AAylia is here, and with the tips I offer you, you too will be protected, at least from the brainless creatures (other than Nargoth, we all know his brain was eaten by Ciciz and her enchanting ways long ago).

Your emergency kit should have:

  • Water (1 gallon per person per day)
  • Food (stock up on non-perishable items that you eat regularly)
  • Medications (this includes prescription and non-prescription meds)
  • Tools and Supplies (utility knife, duct tape, battery powered radio, etc.)
  • Sanitation and Hygiene (household bleach, soap, towels, etc.)
  • Clothing and Bedding (a change of clothes for each family member and blankets)
  • Important documents (copies of your driver’s license, passport, and birth certificate to name a few)
  • First Aid supplies (although you’re a goner if a zombie bites you, you can use these supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a tornado or hurricane)

Friday, February 24, 2012

This never happened

This is not the poll your looking for...

4 (25%)
3 (18%)
7 (43%)
I don't get it
5 (31%)
Did I see you yesterday?
4 (25%)
4 (25%)
7 (43%)

Votes so far: 16

FreshScumFlash: Badness

So once upon a time there was a guild, let’s call them the “Cut Off Fleshy Mouth Things”* , that were a player short. And they were having trouble with a batch of dungeon monsters. Seeing their waitinglist dried up, they looked around to see if there was anyone that could join them for a mini dungeonparty, seeing the “Neverendings”* seem to have no trouble beating them at all, and they aren’t that much stronger then the “Cut Off Fleshy Mouth Things”*. And they found it in “He Who  must not be Named”* (yes, he was bad, really really bad). The first attempts failed badly, there where scum MIA, there was lots of bad luck and a cheating of the dungeon. And after 3 attempts they gave up and “He Who  must not be Named”* went back home.

But a certain “Tub of Lard” wanted to try again and  asked “He Who  must not be Named”* if he could come out and play once more. And the “Cut Off Fleshy Mouth Things”* got cheated again, by a server glitch and two rounds of very unlucky RNG’s.

He Who  must not be Named”* saw the lamenting of the men and the crying of the women and recognized they were helpless without his help. And in all his “Goodness”* decided to stay.

The End?

* the names have been altered to protect the innocent

Yeah, I really suck at stories I know… So I try pictures instead? Remember this one?

Welcome to Badness. A level 294 dragonriding hammer wielding Warrior (this time for real Darstard!). he is currently ranked 16th and reached 95,88% in his scrapbook? And did I mention yet he is a Warrior? We can really use his help. Most of you might remember him from our latest dungeonparty at My lil Pwnies. Just be warned, he is a fervent collector of coats, preferably yours.

Welcome Badness, hope you have fun here.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
9 (45%)
Ender's Game
2 (10%)
The Foundation Series
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Rendezvous with Rama
0 (0%)
Fahrenheit 451
1 (5%)
A Wrinkle in Time
1 (5%)
Stranger in a Strange Land
1 (5%)
Hyperion Cantos
1 (5%)
Other - Tell us in the comments
5 (25%)

Votes so far: 20

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy wins by a landslide, and I can't say I'm complaining as it is one of my all time favorites. Apparently, I missed a lot of people's favorites as Other is our next big winner. I was a little shocked no one picked Dune, but what do I know... SF isn't really my category. I have randomly selected whoever picked A Wrinkle in Time to be the sitter I need for this weekend. Congratulations! I hope you are in our Guild, or someone is going to get a surprise.

Seriously though, I need a sitter for someone this weekend, let me know if you are able.

Birthday Bashes & More

Valley of Awful XP
Condoleances to you scum. For you have reached an epic level, but will have to beat many dungeons to get out of this XP valley.
  • 200 - Srike

Nice Round Numbers
Congratulations to you scum, your level looks nice and round.
  • 290 - r34lg33k, Woopydoo
  • 280 - Ghettoforce
  • 260 - Zimmi
  • 230 - Masterdodo
  • 220 - Tofurkey, Oswalt

New members 95% Club
You almost maxed out your scrapbook. You are truly making advantage of it the most now.
  • AAylia

Random Data of the Week
Something important ot get you through the week
  • Average HoF ranking: 217
  • Highest ranked: Quilp HoF 1
  • Biggest jump this week: Good Phantom -42 to HoF 614
  • Biggest jump to a new personal best: Ustarach -17 to HoF 251 -26 to HoF 242

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Goldilocks has lots of guys,
and Pinnochio's one, be advised.
She sits on the puppet,
and sticks his nose up it,
then makes the poor boy tell lies!

- sbbenhcs, the "watch out for splinters" bard

Monday, February 20, 2012

With a loud squeak of "Hi Ho Geiko!" the Green Menace comes in riding a small mottled lizard who is strapped into a saddle and harness. Scurrying about on the floor, the Green Menace rides the small gecko in amongst the legs of the tables and barstools in the room before laughing loudly and heading for the AllPunishing GBrain's throne.

A hearty "giddemup" echoes minisculy through the bar as the gecko's surface grabbing feet start the pair up GBrain's boot, then knee and scurry ever upwards despite the Despot's wild dance-like gyrations to dislodge them. In a burst of speed and agility, the gecko leaps from the points of GBoss' head as if it was a diving board, flinging it across the space to the bulletin board.

As the gecko spreads its feet wide to take the impact, its rider throws out a playing card, the Duece of Clubs to smack onto the bulletin board, followed momentarily by the Green Menace triumphantly sinking a dart into the board as if planting a flag on the top of a mountain but pinning the card with the dart.

The gecko scampering along the wall sideways, the goblin holds on for his life as he calls out a 'alalalalalalalalalalala' before ducking into a large rat hole and disappearing.

As the echo dies down and the quiet resumes, broken only by bellowing snores, the card remains in the gloom with the following notations in itty bitty eye straining script:

"wahl ya'll its been a mostly quiet week. We dun got lost in de dunjon with de boss rolling da Q into a pit unexpectedly. With the next attempt, Q ended up playing handball with de dunjon boss before da guy tripped him up un bounced him offah da wall a few times."

"Uthahwise we be flirtin with an honah hole between numbah 1 un numbah 3 in which weez too fah betwixt fer uz tah git nuttin from Endless witout winning nor frum numbah 3 even wit us winnin.

"Fer dis week's Buthday Bashin, ahr leadah (fearful o only AAylia and Revi) GBoss dun got 280, Geekster and Woopydoo hit 290, Zimmah dun popped ovah 260, MasterDoDo hit 230, Oswalt un Turducken both snagged 220 un srike hit 200.

"As achiefemunts, Gregor Clegane un Usty both dun got 3 lebels last week. Dis contribooted tah a total growth o 55 levels in a week which iz nuttin to sneeze at

"Da 95% club holds steady at 26 members (52%) un lotsa pipples been puttin in dere time tah move inta it. Top o de heap wuz CrusaderBin at 2.76. Following him, AAylia slathered 2.24% of her book to join da pahtah 95% club. Behind her.. probably fascinated by the view of her behind.. came TDI with 1.76. Scrubby put in 1.24 un MaxPower put in 1.12, Da restah da scum cum in at less den effen .50%"

"In uthah werds.. cummon ya'll.. git yer checkin back up dere so we do bettah. Also de big Boss be lukin fer new officeers so start mailin him early un oftin witcher volunteerin."

Week ending Feb 19, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Today's comic goes out to those of you, who, like me, can be hardcore science fiction goofs.

My collection of links is a bit long and I do need to clean it up a bit, or at least categorize ones, like Crimson Dark whose link, although in my files, I haven't read.  I randomly chose a new link today and ... into Chapter Two .. I am hooked.

Meet Kari Tyrell, our heroine.  Is it just me, or does she kind of have a Kara Thrace-ish look to her?  She seems to be modelled after the same type of personality .. with less cigars and more coffee.

Kari is an ace fighter-pilot, legendary throughout the Republic for turning the tide at the Battle of Whiterim. Only twenty-three years old, she is the youngest pilot ever to achieve the rank of Commander.

Kari meets up with the crew of the Niobe, through some shenanigans in Chapter 1 that I won't spoil for you here.  I'm not normally one to go all fangirl over technical drawings, but you have to admit that the artist has some amazing talent for ships.  Check out David Simon's Deviant Art pages.

And as if that isn't enough to give all you guys tented pants, check out this action scene:

Battle scene, Chapter One

The planet of Farhaven

Okay, I can't really speak to the plot since I'm only at Chapter Two, but this comic has been going on since 2006 and last page of the first volume was published in November 2011, so its got a lot of history.  This story is complete, but the artist is working on bonus pages and writing a novella.

There is a lot of added material on the Crimson Dark site for those who become fans .. a forum, glossaries, character breakdowns, ship designs, locales, etc.   Wallpapers.  Here's one of the rift ... just click on it to open, then save it.

And lastly, here's the masthead. Click for the link.  Hope you enjoy as much as I will!

I'd like to send a shout out to Aaylia for  providing me with another list of links.  I have much catching up to do!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Worked well the first time...

Hello all! I need a volunteer for sitter for Sunday-Tuesday next week.  Thank you Red

EDIT: and we need even more volunteers Friday-Monday next week. Any takers? Let me know! Thanks.


ScumFlash: Dolgan caught redhanded

Breaking News: 

Scum, this is just in. I have sad news. Today we caught Dolgan Elfbane in the act of fraudulent behaviour. He managed to steal 19 milion from the Scumbank. Climbing the HoF was nothing but a ruse to distract us and Dolgan thought he got away with it. But he didn't know Kami put a camera in our bank, so we have proof.  After hours of grueling torture (poems by AAlyxyn) the man confessed to being the arms supplier to AAylia's AAssassins.

So if you wonder where your gold has gone, you know where to find it now.  The only question that remains is "how did he do it?"

Birthday Bashes & More

This week NO one reached an xp valley ... feels like every lowlife is currently working hard to climb out of one  At least it gives me the space to prepare you for the fact we’re looking for officers again. We need a monkey in charge of the 0.00 PST attack button. We need someone to take over the Birthday bashes. We need someone that can help Kami out with the collecting of guild data and we need someone to keep an eye on the check ins (kami and rido came up with a great tool for that, we just need someone to keep it up to date).

And of course congratz  to all scum reaching nice round numbers.
  • 290 r34lg33k
  • 260 Gregor Clegane, Parrish
  • 230 MaxPower
  • 220 Tofurkey

95% club

This week we welcome 2 new members of the 95% club. Both TDI and AAylia show some of the slackers how it is done and sped past 95% like there wasn’t a speed limit at all… ehr… nm. Gratz all

Random Bit of Data of the Week
  • 49/50 scum
  • 1/1 Scumlord
  • 1/1 Webmistress
  • 1/2 Battlemonkeys
  • 1/2 Misinformation dealers
  • 1/1 Babysquishings organiser
  • 1/3 Guild spies
There seems to be room for improvement here.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bad music gets better with muppets

 Seeing Narc is totally letting us down again, I figured it was time for some alternative column this week until musical Narc will be back on earth. There is a lot of bad music in the world. But somehow it gets better with muppets.

This has been (or still is?) a song you couldn't get around on dutch radio (so i stopped listening to radio) But get in Elmo and you get an enjoyable ensemble:

Even bad music from porno, or pseudo-documentary as they called it themselves, is better with muppets. Although we kinda missing the nudity i guess.

"Mah Nà Mah Na" debuted as part of Umiliani's soundtrack for the Italian mondo film Svezia, inferno e paradiso (Sweden: Heaven and Hell [lit. Hell and Heaven]) (1968), a pseudo-documentary about wild sexual activity and other behaviour in Sweden. The song accompanied a scene in the film set in a sauna which gave its original title "Viva la Sauna Svedese" (Hooray for the Swedish Sauna).

There! Useless information and bad music. My work here is done.

A book by any other name

Favorite Book/Series -- Fantasy Edition

Lord of the Rings
5 (22%)
Harry Potter
2 (9%)
Wheel of TIme
3 (13%)
A Song of Ice & Fire
3 (13%)
Mistborn Trilogy
4 (18%)
Discworld Series
2 (9%)
The Malazan
0 (0%)
The Name of the Wind
1 (4%)
Lies of Locke Lamora
1 (4%)
Shannara Series
1 (4%)

Votes so far: 22

We appear to be a well read lot, at least in the fantasy genre if the spread of votes is any indication. LotR just barely won, I believe it was the very last vote that pushed it over the edge, showing we are also traditional scum -- shame on you! Mistborn came in 2nd, along with the Wheel of Time I kind of doubled up (1.5 up'd?) on Brandon Sanderson, but I'm apparently not the only one who likes him. If you haven't given any of his books a try I recommend him. The Malazan Book of the Fallen is our only real loser. To obscure or just not well liked?

Honestly, I have read and liked almost all of these series at some point, and would recommend them all if you like these sorts of books but I want to give a special shout out to The Lies of Locke Lamora (Book 1 of The Gentleman Bastards). If you are a GRRM fan, and you haven't read Scott Lynch make sure to rectify that problem posthaste.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

traditional gnomish poetry tuesday

our valentine's day behavior has to be our best,
for today we look for lovin', above all of the rest.
so if you hope to have a chance
at getting in your sweetheart's pants...
"touching a woman's heart" does NOT mean "grab her chest."


- sbbenhcs, the "wookin' po nub" poet


happy vd, scum! (and that's why we don't abbreviate valentine's day...)


So first there was football, baseball, and whatever games you funny Europeans played.

Then there was CalvinBall

NOW!! Be prepared! For TaserBall! Though, I personally fell they need higher taser settings...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Babysitter needed...

Hey everyone, I have a babysitting opportunity I need some to take up. Please send me a mail if you can do it, it is only for this week. Thanks.


aka The scum sitter

8 Animal Misconceptions Debunked!

Thought I might share this, found it to be quite interesting.
For those of you that speak English as a second language, get ready to be English blasted, pew pew!

Edit : The video has mysteriously gone 'private', so I give you a mirror, because I can find such things as mirrors of private youtube videos. I'm just that awesome. So click on the link below and enjoy!

Week Ending Feb 12, 2012

The guildhall stands quiet save for the clink of steins as casks of Dolgan's Finest get tapped furiously. The bulletin board stands starkly empty, save for last week's announcement of the missing of the data faerie, in fact even the skylight that normally highlights the bulletin board is dark, covered over with that bloody attire obviously taken from a dead pirate.

This is highly puzzling even in your beersoaked state until you totter over to the trapdoor down into the bilge and find several huge spikes protruding up through the wood, hammered over into bent pieces of metal akin to a 'modern art' sculpture. Lacquered onto the wood surface itself, having dried over the past few days, is a note reading in a scrawl "Leaf off".

Through a small slit in the door, however, protrudes a single long strip of paper:

"72 Meg
left when Q rolled off to bed
dunjon dun beat us"

"Scum off sleeping hard
Endless wins with low click in
solid number two"

"Growth slow in scum ranks
TDI top with but 3
42 for all"

"Birthday bashes out
GBoss announces in blog
not going into here"

Departed for now and non
back maybe one day"

"Ranks in arena
stumble, shuffle, bounce and fall
Q reclaim top rank."
"Many claim top ranks,
Thirteen above fifty now
keep climbing! Scum Rule!"

"Some happy me gone
nailed in bilge, halls quiet
enjoy the echo."

Sunday, February 12, 2012

ScumFlash: Dolgan hit #4 ehr #3 ehr #2

Scum likes to boast about their accomplishments. And as scumlord, who am I, to not honor that age old tradition! Congratulations Dolgan Elfbane for hitting #4 in HoF

Hey, don't blame me for the crappy quality. All i did is crop the screenshot Dolgan send me ;-)

EDIT: This is just in Dolgan hit #3. More news when the story develops.

EDIT 2: Oh come on... is everybody sleeping? Gratz on #2 Dolgan!

Oliver Knörzer lives in Waiblingen, Germany and Powree hails from Bandung, Indonesia. Despite being far-flung, together, these two produce some outstanding web reading. The long-running Sandra and Woo follows Sandra North, a middle schooler, and her talking raccoon.

However, i want to tell you about about another endeavour they recently started, with its first publication on Nov 1, 2011. New episodes of Gaia show on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Gaia follows a group of soon-to-be graduates of the Academy for Arcane Studies and Material Arts of Cania. It's currently at the graduation ceremony where interesting things look about to happen.

The emotions are somewhat simplistic at the outset .. I'm hoping that as they settle into the new comic and develop the characters more fully that we leave off with some of the teenage angst. However, the story so far is shows promise, so I'm willing to ride this out for longer.

Both Sandra and Woo and Gaia are also published in German and Dutch.

At note about Gaia from Wikipedia:
Gaia was the primordial Earth-goddess in ancient Greek religion. Gaia was the great mother of all: the heavenly gods and Titans were descended from her union with Uranus (the sky), the sea-gods from her union with Pontus (the sea), the Giants from her mating with Tartarus (the hell-pit) and mortal creatures were sprung or born from her earthy flesh. The earliest reference to her is Mycenaean Greek "Mother Gaia."

Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was Terra.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tired Knot

The mistress had lots of homework and real life mucking today, so I thought I would share some lighthearted stuff about knots with you. Enjoy, and I will be back next week to share with you how to tie the warlord to his throne...

arms and legs entwined
he loves me, he loves me knot
yes he says, he does

There were three pieces of rope wandering in the desert. They were very hot and thirsty. They came upon a bar and one went in. He asked for a drink and the bartender said, 'read the sign buddy we don't serve ropes.' 

'Oh come on just this once', the rope asked again. 

The bartender said 'nope', so the rope left. 

The second rope figured he was a bit better looking and maybe the bartender would soften a little and let him have a drink. He went in and asked for a drink, the bartender shook his head and said 'Hey Buddy, it's just like I told  your friend we don't serve ropes here.' 

Dejected the rope left the bar.

The 3rd rope heard both of their stories, thought for a moment. Then he rolled himself into a knot and fluffed the edges so it was a little frayed. The third rope went into the bar like this and asked for a drink. 

The bartender asked, 'Hey are you a rope?' The 3rd rope looked down at himself and said 'Nope, I am a frayed knot!'

Friday, February 10, 2012

final haiku

GBoss delighted!
Little lips sewed tightly shut;
Green Menace quiets.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Gobbo Haiku

jezt ta offer up sum competishun, ah presents:

Tiny green menace
creeping about in the dark ...
run, Maid Ciciz, run!

*takes a bow on the bar*

Fer mah next decomposishun, I sez:

New gnome in old skin.
Party in bar, loud din!
Usty, welcome in!

*dives off the bar amidst thrown beer bottles*

Birthday Bashes & More

So I didn’t do a Birthday bash last week because I didn’t have the time. Seems you scum
  decided to get back at me for that by pretty much all of you trying to get in this edition of Birthday Bash. Hmm… maybe I should skip these things more often… Anyway, let’s start with the 9 XP valley scum.

Bain reached the insane level of 300, making him the second lowlife AND serverwide the first Scout to do so. We also have two scum trying to get out of the XP valley of 275, Pizzar and the Scumlord himself (yay me). Jmardo (our lately silent friend from Spain) and AAylia, (the mistress of chaos, pain, and everything sad) managed to reach level 250. I doubt they had expected to reach that at all.

Zot managed to hit 5 levels in 2 weeks and reached level 225, just as Ustarach did, after being here only a couple of days (nice going Schnebbs). And then we have two scum reaching the epic level 200: Good Phantom (who has to work on his check in powers) and CrusaderBin who not only reached level 200 but also managed to be the only one to MISS the last dungeon check in! (“sorry man, half dead and barely responsive. x_x This month is killing me”).
Congratz to all of you. One of the lowlifes that was supposed to reach an epic level of 275  and therefore this birthday bash this week, is Gloryinchaos. He hit some real  life issues and decided to go to none, the guild his brother is in, for the time being. He’ll be back when RL calms down again. Wishing you good luck with that Gloryinchaos.
Talking about good luck wishes. Dolgan Eflbane managed to  break in to the  top 10 of the Hall of Fame this week and deserves some.
Also congratulations to the HUGE number of 11 scum that reached nice round figures this week
  • 290 - Iola, Dolgan Elfbane
  • 270 - AAlyxyn
  • 260 - Gregor Clegane
  • 230 - Wordplay, ciciz, Maxpower
  • 220 - Melange
  • 210 - Ziglabeu, Neithe
  • 190 - Ahkdar
95% Club

We have one new member of the 95% club with Schnebbs, ehr… sorry Ustarach. Sadly the group doesn’t really grow seeing we lost a couple of 95% members over the past couple of weeks and the rest of you scum are slow getting here.

Having said that, I must name CrusaderBin for a second time in this Birthday Bash. He finally started to combine some of his hobbies for the better. He randomly attacked tiny players in between quests and managed to gain a whopping 20% in his scrapbook without any effort at all. Currently at 69.29% and rising. Hopefully Keldonhing will follow shortly.

Random Bit of Data of the Week
  • 49 Scum
  • 19 Warriors
  • 10 Scouts
  • 20 Mages

If this trend continues this will be a warrior guild soon… WE NEED SCOUTS!!!